The Next Chapter

Peter Christian Fraedrich
2 min readOct 31, 2022


Photo by IA SB on Unsplash

Over the past few weeks I have been working on the next phase of my tech blog and how to evolve it beyond just a once-in-a-while Medium post.

But before I get into specifics and what the next chapter of this blog looks like, I can’t continue without acknowledging the amazing people and readers who have made this blog a mild success and who have given me valuable advice and feedback over the years. You are all awesome and I hope you will continue this journey with me moving forward.

As for what comes next, I have launched as the new home of the blog, now titled “Poorly Conceived Ideas”.

screenshot of
Behold, the new site!

This evolution will allow me to be less reliant on Medium and its strange monetization policies and reach a larger potential audience with my content, two things that I hope will spell good news for the future of the blog. But don’t fret! My Medium blog isn’t going away any time soon — stories posted on will appear on Medium as well. Those of you who wish to stay on Medium will still be able to access all of the content both past and future, but I do hope that you’ll come over and join the new platform.

There are two membership levels available: free and paid.

The free membership allows you to post comments and read all public content.

Paid members will get access to content a week before everyone else, as well as have access to a members-only newsletter, Slack workspace, and more. Paid memberships are $5/mo or $45/year.

I hope that I’ll see you all over on and that we’ll continue to grow this thing.

Thank you again for all the love and support!

To join, simply click here ->



Peter Christian Fraedrich

Entrepreneur, software developer, writer, musician, amateur luthier, husband, dad. All opinions are my own.