Member-only story

Its 2AM on a Monday night. I’m sitting here at my desk while my wife and two kids fast asleep two floors above me. For the past three hours I’ve been aimlessly browsing the internet looking for a spark of inspiration. Craigslist,, HackerNews, and even Quora have seen visits from my IP address while I lazily try to find something that I can stick my overworked brain into. Googling “software startup ideas” seems pretty pathetic and vague but here I am. After all, what else am I going to do? We all exist in these little self-contained bubbles now where the wider world seems distant and blurry, like frost over a car window on a cold November morning. I would like to say that tonight was a one-off thing, a sole lame attempt at finding something to do, but I can’t. That would be a lie. This is something I’ve been thinking about for months, yet here I am scraping the bottom of the barrel again hoping to find something I missed the last time I stooped this low.
This year — 2021 — has been a challenging one so far. I got unceremoniously ousted from the startup I helped build, changed jobs in the middle of a pandemic, and cut ties with some people who I thought were friends that turned out to be something else entirely. We’re also expecting our third child later this summer and currently experiencing what could be called a “complicated” pregnancy — my wife is about one ill-advised lift away from bed rest and feels like…